Academic Catalog 2024-2025

Moving Lives Forward. Choose Nunez.

Administrative Services

Facilities Maintenance and Safety

This area of the College is responsible for the physical facilities, maintenance, facility planning, parking, and hazardous waste/safety concerns. Emergency procedures are posted in all buildings and hallways. Unsafe situations should be reported to maintenance by calling 504-278-6332.

Smoking and Tobacco-Free Campus

Nunez Community College is now a vaping, smoking and tobacco-free campus. This policy applies to all students, faculty, staff, contractors, vendors, and visitors to all college properties, events held on college properties, officially sanctioned college sponsored or affiliated events that are held off-campus. More information is available on the website under policies (

Campus Police

To ensure the safety of students and employees, the College employs commissioned police officers with full power of arrest. Officers are responsible for maintaining a safe campus through preventative measures such as educational activities, the enforcement of parking policies, and student ID card policy. To contact campus police, call 504-494-0797.

Potential criminal activity, sex offenses, and other emergencies on campus should be reported directly by any student or employee to a campus police officer in person or by calling 504-494-0797 or by dialing 911 for outside emergency assistance. Student victims of crime on campus are encouraged to contact the Vice Chancellor for Education, Training and Student Success as soon as possible in person or by calling 504-278-6285 or 504-278-6467.

Assistance will be provided in reporting the crime, preserving the evidence, and seeking outside help if needed.

Campus Security Policy and Crime Statistics

The College endeavors to provide consistently accurate information to our community regarding the safety of our campus. In accordance with the Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act of 1990 (20 U.S.C. 1092f) and the Hate Crimes Statistics Act (28 U.S. C. 534), Nunez provides information relating to crime statistics and policies concerning campus crime to current students and employees. This same information is available to prospective students and employees upon request.

The campus crime statistics for Nunez and most other U.S. colleges during the three preceding years can be found at Crime reports are collected from campus police, College employees with significant responsibility for student and campus activities, and local law enforcement officers who respond to reports of potential crimes on campus and on public property immediately adjacent to campus. These reports are maintained in by the Title IX office.

Crime statistics and the College's  Semi-Annual Security Report, which contains both Clery Act data as well as Board of Regents Uniform Policy on Power-Based Violence, can be found on the College's Student Consumer Information webpage