Admission to the College
Nunez Community College publishes admission policies that are consistent with its mission that are available to students online on the Nunez website and in the catalog. These policies are consistent with the governing bodies policies, Louisiana Community & Technical College System (LCTCS) Policy 2.000 General Admissions Policy Statement and the Louisiana Board of Regents Supplement to the Minimum Standards for Admission to Louisiana Public Postsecondary Institutions.
Students seeking admission to Nunez must meet the admission requirements for the classification under which they are entering. Admissions applications should be submitted prior to or during the registration period of the semester the student desires to enroll.
Any applicant who applies for admission to Nunez Community College will not be denied admission on the basis of race, religion, sex, national origin, marital status, veteran status, or disability.
Emergency Medical Technology, Practical Nursing, Teaching, and Process Technology-Fast Track are limited-enrollment programs that have special admissions requirements as identified in their respective program descriptions.
Requests for general admissions information should be directed to:
Admissions Office:
Nunez Community College
3710 Paris Road
Chalmette, LA 70043
Phone 504-278-6467
[email protected]
Admission applications should be completed online at Anyone wishing to apply in person may do so at the Admissions Office. Applications should be made as early as possible in the semester preceding the period of anticipated enrollment.
It is the responsibility of all students to familiarize themselves with rules and regulations of the College as stated in this Catalog. Additionally, those who plan to transfer credits earned at Nunez must familiarize themselves with the program, course, and grade requirements of the college to which they plan to transfer.
Admission Requirements
All students applying to the College may be fully admitted if the following criteria are satisfied:
- The student has completed and submitted an application for admission;
- The student has provided proof of selective service registration as required by Louisiana R.S. 17:3151 (if applicable);
- The student has provided proof of immunization in compliance with Louisiana R.S. 17:170 (if born after 1956).
All admissions requirements must be met within 30 calendar days from the official first day of class. If the student fails to provide all requested documents, a registration and transcript hold will be placed on his or her academic records.
Students enrolling in courses which have prerequisites as outlined in this Catalog may need to submit test scores and/or official transcripts from prior institutions. These documents may be submitted to the Admissions Office.
Home-Schooled Students
Admissions requirements for home-schooled students are the same as for all new students. All home-schooled students without a high school diploma or GED/HiSET are eligible to apply for admission provided they have successfully completed an approved or registered home-school program in accordance with Louisiana General Laws or the laws of their home state. So that the College may determine whether a student has participated in an approved/registered home-school program, the student shall submit, at the time of the admissions application:
- Proof that the student is sixteen (16) years of age or older;
- An official, current transcript for any coursework completed;
- Documentation verifying the home-school’s registration or approval status by the State of Louisiana—Board of Elementary and Secondary Education or equivalent governing body in the student’s home state.
Students under the compulsory attendance age of sixteen (16) and who have completed their home-school program must submit a letter from the student’s school district’s superintendent or school committee stating that the student is not considered truant and is not required to attend further schooling. The College reserves the right to limit or deny enrollment of a student under the age of sixteen (16) in a course or program based on its case-by-case consideration of a variety of factors, including but not limited to the student’s maturity, life experience, placement test scores, prior education, course content, instructional methodology, and risks associated with a particular course or program.
As required by Louisiana R.S. 17:170, Schools of Higher Learning, and as a condition of enrollment, all Nunez Community College students born after 1956 must provide proof or waiver of immunization. The required immunizations for institutions of higher learning are as follows:
- Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR)--Two (2) doses
- Tetanus, Diphtheria (Td/Tdap)--One (1) dose in the last 10 years
- Meningococcal meningitis--Two (2) doses OR one (1) dose, if first dose was given on or after age 16
Louisiana R.S. 17:170 states that no person seeking to enter any school shall be required to comply with the provisions of immunization if the student submits either:
- A written statement from a physician stating that the procedure is contraindicated for medical reasons; or
- A written dissent from the student or parent (waiver).
Forms to be completed by the student’s physician or other health care provider, as well as a waiver, are available in the Student Affairs Office and online. Additionally, students may complete a waiver as part of their application for admission. Some specific programs have additional immunization requirements.
In the event of an outbreak of measles, mumps, rubella, tetanus, diphtheria, or meningitis, the College will require non-immunized students to leave campus until the outbreak is over or until they submit proof of adequate immunization.
The Nunez Community College Health Center, located on campus, is able to provide some students with proof of immunization records as well as immunizations. Call 504-278-6318 for more information.
Selective Service Registration
The Federal Selective Service Act, along with Louisiana R.S. 17:3151, requires male applicants between the ages of 18 and 26 to provide evidence that they have registered with Selective Service (SS) before they will be allowed to register for classes. The Admissions Office is able to verify registration electronically, however, students may be asked to provide documentation such as a copy of the applicant’s SS Registration Card or a printout from indicating the applicant’s registration status.
The following categories of students are exempt from this requirement:
- Males currently in the armed services and on active duty;
- Veterans of the armed services who submit a copy of their DD-214 discharge certificate;
- Non-citizens who first entered the U.S. after they turned 26.
Proof of Residence
New students may be required to provide proof of their residence with their application for admission. Acceptable documentation may include vehicle registration, voter registration, marriage to a resident, full-time employment for one year, designation of Louisiana as one’s permanent address on school and employment records, current mortgage or rent receipts, most recent state and/or federal tax returns, or other documents that indicate the location of a student’s official domicile. The Dean of Strategic Enrollment and Student Success may require multiple forms of proof in order to determine residence for admissions and fee purposes.
Regulations establishing residence are based primarily on the location of the home, place of employment, and military status. A resident is defined generally, though not conclusively, as one who has lived in Louisiana for at least one full year (365 days) immediately preceding the first day of class of the semester/term of enrollment for which resident classification is sought. A student may not establish residence while residing in Louisiana for the primary purpose of attending school.
The Non-Resident Fee policy is further explained in the “Tuition and Fees” section of the Catalog.
Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA)/Section 504
Nunez Community College complies with the regulations of the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Amendments. Students with special needs should contact the ADA Coordinator at (504) 278-6278 at least four (4) weeks before planning to enroll so that authorized accommodations can be arranged in a timely manner.
Students requesting or receiving accommodations should be aware that it is their responsibility to inform the ADA Coordinator regarding any change in the status of their disability, their enrollment, or their accommodations. It is also the responsibility of the student to notify the ADA Coordinator for continued accommodations prior to the beginning of each semester.
All first-time freshmen and incoming transfer students are encouraged to attend one of the New Student Orientation sessions offered. Details of New Student Orientation are sent by email invitation and published on the school website.
Additionally, an online orientation module is available year-round to all students on the Canvas learning platform. For questions regarding orientation, contact Student Affairs at (504) 278-6467 or email [email protected].
In accordance with the Clery Act mandate to offer a a Sexual Violence Prevention Program, first time freshmen will be provided with an electronic training opportunity at new student orientation. The link to complete the training will also be sent via email after the first day of class.
Act 321 of 2017 requires that, effective Fall 2018, each public postsecondary management board, in conjunction with the Commissioner of Higher education and the president of each public university shall adopt a policy requiring unplanned pregnancy prevention education to unmarried students and be included in freshman orientation activities.
In accordance with Louisiana Revised Statutes 17:1801.1, 14:40.8, 14.502, and the Board of Regents Uniform Policy on Hazing Prevention, Nunez prohibits hazing and takes all reasonable measures to address hazing, including without limitation: adoption of effective policies; clear communication to campus organizations, students, and other stakeholders of laws and policies; prompt and faithful enforcement thereof; education, and training. The link to the full policy is disseminated to new students upon registration and is found here.
Any student interested in completing the hazing prevention training should contact the Canvas Administrator so that the course can be added for FREE to their Canvas portal.
New students are to review these policies and other federal and state consumer information at this link: