Academic Catalog 2024-2025

Moving Lives Forward. Choose Nunez.

Mission, Goals, and Commitment


Nunez Community College is a student-centered institution that delivers relevant and innovative curriculum integrating the arts, sciences, and humanities leading to academic credentials and workforce opportunities. Nunez serves a vital role in the community by engaging with partners to support student success and personal growth.


Nunez Community College Educational Goals include providing:

  1. Educational opportunities that prepare students for lifelong learning, responsible citizenship, productive and satisfying careers, as well as the opportunity to transfer to senior institutions;
  2. A variety of occupational programs with input from local employers and industry that prepare students for immediate employment;
  3. General education courses that transfer to senior institutions;
  4. A program of developmental education for students who need to strengthen their academic backgrounds;
  5. Student support services including educational counseling, placement testing, and career counseling designed to assist students in selecting a course of study that meets their needs;
  6. A means to acquire an awareness of global and multicultural issues that produce responsible world citizens;
  7. Opportunities for gaining basic and general understanding of ethics;
  8. Instructional methods that include technologies and distance learning options that prepare students for careers in the 21st century; and
  9. Continuing education courses and services that meet the needs of students and the community.

Commitment to Institutional Research and Effectiveness

The Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness (OIR-E) is committed to supporting the achievement of the College’s goals and mission by fostering a culture of planning and continuous improvement across the College that highlights student achievement, student support, community engagement, workforce development and educational values. The OIR-E seeks to coordinate and collaborate with all units of the College in the processes of planning and organizing by developing automated systems that help to streamline the collection and warehousing of both quantitative and qualitative data; which ensures accurate, unbiased and timely data analysis for reporting purposes, decision-making, and maintaining institutional compliance. 

The College’s Institutional Effectiveness (IE) Planning Model includes the five (5) main tenets of IE planning (Plan, Resource, Implement, Assess, Improve) and the four (4) strategic areas (College Mission/Vision/Strategic Plan, Development, Assessment, Use of Results) on a continuum surrounding the overall institutional objective to show continuous improvement through relevant infrastructure modifications. This framework was designed to inform all aspects of the planning and decision making processes across the College.