Academic Catalog 2024-2025

Moving Lives Forward. Choose Nunez.

Student Classification

Class Standing

A student is classified as a freshman (FR) if he or she has earned fewer than 30 credit hours in college-level courses and as a sophomore (SO) if he or she has earned 30 or more credit hours. A preparatory student (PR) is concurrently enrolled in both high school and college.

Full-Time/Part-Time Status

A student is classified as full-time or part-time in accordance with the number of credit hours pursued during a term of enrollment. Twelve or more hours constitute full-time status in a regular semester (six hours in a summer session).

Official 14th/7th Day Enrollment

Students’ classification is determined by registration information on the official 14th class day (7th in the summer) and again at the end of each semester according to the number of credit hours and quality points earned.