Office of Disability Services and Counseling
Nunez Community College’s Office of Disability Services and Counseling provides and coordinates tools, reasonable accommodations, and support services to allow students with disabilities to participate fully in the academic environment. The Office also provides short-term crisis management for students as it relates to their academic, personal, and social growth and development.
Nunez complies with the regulations of the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Amendments. The ADA Coordinator/Counselor is responsible for meeting individually with students identified as having a documented disability or impairment to review submitted documentation and arrange the appropriate accommodations, as required under the ADA and Section 504, and can be reached at 504-278-6278.
Requests for special accommodations or services should be submitted to the Office of Disability Services and Counseling Office at least four (4) weeks prior to the first official day of classes each semester. It is the responsibility of the student to notify the ADA Coordinator for continued accommodations prior to the beginning of each semester. Students requesting or receiving services must inform the ADA Coordinator regarding any changes in the status of their disability, their environment, or their accommodations.
Voter Registration
In compliance with the National Voter Registration Act of 1993, the Office of Disability Services and Counseling provides assistance with completing and submitting Louisiana Voter Registration Applications and Voter Declaration Forms to any student filing for Disability Services. This service is supplied to students with disabilities on an ongoing basis. For more information contact the Office of Disability Services at 504-278-6278.
The college has contracted with Follett Higher Education to provide bookstore services to students, faculty, and staff. The bookstore, located in the Kane Technology Building, can also be found at The Associate Vice Chancellor of Institutional Advancement monitors bookstore activities to ensure that the bookstore is meeting the needs of students and faculty.
Medical Emergencies
Family members who must reach students for a medical emergency should call Student Affairs at 504-278-6467. Only in cases of true medical emergencies will campus officials attempt to locate students. If students cannot be located, College personnel will attempt to notify the caller.
Student Health Services
The Nunez Community College Health Center is located in the Kane Technology Center, Room A145. Employees and students may utilize health services and are encouraged to contact a Health Center representative at 504-278-6318 if services are needed.
The Clinic is staffed by a multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals. Before students and employees can be treated, a signed written consent form must be on file. Insurance is billed when available and a small fee assessed when applicable.
In the event of an emergency requiring medical attention, the instructor or other College employee will determine the severity of the injury and call 911 immediately, if necessary. In some cases, health care professionals on campus may provide temporary care or health counseling for students who are ill or injured. In an emergency situation, the professional may administer first aid only (including CPR) as indicated, until the services of a physician or EMS can be obtained.
In case of a major accident, one that requires immediate medical attention, the instructor or other College employee will call 911 for an ambulance and the person will be sent to an Emergency Room or Urgent Care Facility as determined by EMS personnel. The College will attempt to notify the student’s emergency contact as soon as possible. The student will be responsible for the medical costs. A report of any accident or injury should be made by the College employee to Administrative Services as soon as possible.
In cases of questionable mental health or instability leading to possible accident, injury, or violence, the instructor or other College employee should call campus police (504-278-6335) and then the administrator on duty should be contacted.
All students are required to identify emergency contact information during the admissions application process. Students should list individuals who can be notified of accidents, injuries, or serious illness that occurs during school hours. Responsibility for treatment is to be assumed by the parents of minor students and by adult students themselves.
In addition to the Health Center on campus, the nearest medical care facility cooperating with the College is:
St. Bernard Parish Hospital
8000 W. Judge Perez Dr.
Chalmette, LA 70043
Overall Good Standing
Students must be in “overall good standing” to be eligible for student organizations, honors, and other extracurricular activities. Students are in overall good standing with the College when they have met the requirements of academic good standing, do not owe any money or property to the College or any of its departments, and do not have any disciplinary sanctions on file in the Office of Student Affairs.
Student Government Association
The Student Government Association (SGA) is the official body that represents all of the students of the College. All regularly-enrolled college students are automatically members of the SGA upon payment of tuition and fees. The membership has the authority to elect officers and senators. The SGA president serves on the Chancellor’s Council and is the voice of the students in the governance of the College. The SGA sponsors social, cultural, and educational events on campus and funds these activities through the self-assessed student activity fee, which is paid each semester by all students.
Through student petitions and referenda, the SGA has the authority to approve expenditures from the SGA self-assessed fees. Such requests also require the approval of the SGA Advisor. The SGA recommends expenditures from the technology fee paid by all students. The technology fee was reauthorized by the Spring 2013 student body. The technology fee funds computer equipment, computer technicians, essential supplies, and equipment for academic programs and student services that increase the level of technology available to students and improve student life and learning.
There are many College committees that include students as members. Meetings and other activities are posted on bulletin boards in campus buildings. Meetings of the SGA are open to all students and students are encouraged to get involved by attending meetings, seeking appointments as senators, and running for office in the spring election.
Student Life
The co-curricular activities of students are important to personal growth and development. At Nunez, all such programs are planned and coordinated through the Office of Student Affairs. Scholastic, professional, and service organizations have been developed in response to expressed interest and to provide leadership opportunities for students. Officers of all student organizations must maintain overall good standing. This also applies to all members of student organizations unless otherwise specified by the organization’s charter or constitution. Several organizations offer membership to College faculty and staff and the community, as well as students.
Student activities are offered in cooperation with the Student Government Association, student organizations, and faculty sponsors. In addition, groups and students who have specialized needs and/or interests may petition the Vice Chancellor for Education, Training and Student Success for official recognition as a student organization.
The following is a list of approved organizations:
- Culinary Club is comprised of students with an interest in the Culinary Arts. The Culinary Club hosts fundraising food sales through the year and organizes and presents the annual King Cake Competition.
- Gamma Beta Phi National Honor and Service Society (GBP) is a national non-profit, honor and service organization for students in higher education. Students must be committed to excellence in education, good character, and service. To qualify for membership, students must have completed 12 or more credit hours of college-level work and have earned a cumulative grade point average of 3.20 or better.
- Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society (PTK) is an international, co-educational honorary society for students attending two-year colleges. To be eligible for membership, students must be currently enrolled in at least 3 hours of degree course work, have a 3.50 or higher grade point average on 12 or more hours earned from Nunez, be of good moral character, and show evidence of leadership abilities. Membership in Phi Theta Kappa is by invitation only.
- Warriors Prayer Club is a Christian organization that meets weekly for prayer and fellowship.
- The Baseball Team is an intercollegiate baseball team that competes in NJCAA Division 23. Interested prospects should attend a try-out as announced on For more information, email [email protected].
The Board of Supervisors of the Louisiana and Community Technical College System (LCTCS) and Elaine P. Nunez Community College are committed to providing a safe academic and social environment for all students. In accordance with Louisiana Revised Statute 17:1801, hazing in any form is prohibited at Nunez.
The following hazing policy applies to all employees and students:
- Definition of Hazing: Any action taken or situation created, whether on or off college property, which has a potential for causing physical injuries or mental anguish to the individual. Hazing may include but is not limited to the following activities when these activities are life threatening or are intended to hurt or physically or mentally humiliate the individual:
- Physical abuse such as kidnapping, paddling, slapping, branding, burning;
- Physical exercise, such as scavenger hunts, road trips, or any activity resulting in excessive fatigue, physical or psychological shock;
- Wearing apparel, costumes, or makeup which is uncomfortable to the individual or, if worn publicly, is conspicuous; is demeaning to the individual, the observer, ethnic groups, differently-abled individuals, the LGBTQ spectrum, or religious/spiritual observers; or is not normally in good taste;
- Engaging in public stunts, hair cutting, morally degrading or humiliating games or activities, giving of food or drink (alcoholic or non-alcoholic) which is distasteful or designed to provoke nausea or inebriation;
- Any form of verbal harassment, any action or situation which subjugates an individual to a condition where he/she might tend to lose self-respect or suffer injury to personal or religious values;
- Any activities that interfere with the student's scholastic responsibilities; and the use of obscenities and vulgarities in dress, language, or action.
- Duty to Report: No student organization or individual shall employ a program of student initiation/pledge education or social events that includes hazing. It is the duty of all student organization members and any faculty or staff member to report immediately any violation of this policy to the Dean of Strategic Enrollment and Student Success for student violations and the Director of Human Resources for employee violations. Any violation of this policy shall be investigated and appropriate disciplinary action taken.
- Expectations for Violations: Any violation of this policy, including knowledge of and failure to report, may result in expulsion in the case of students and termination in the case of employees, and suspension of activities for a minimum of one academic year of any student organization that participates in hazing. Individuals accused of violations of this policy will be adjudicated through the College's codified student and/or employee judicial process.
- Education, Awareness, and Prevention: In addition to valuable resources available at, Nunez provides education, awareness, and prevention activities for hazing that include but are not limited to the following:
- Awareness seminars with organization advisors and student organization members;
- Inclusion in new faculty/staff orientation;
- Inclusion in new student orientation;
- Policy posting on Canvas & college website for students and employees;
- Awareness seminars with athletic coaching staff and student-athletes.
- In accordance with Acts 635, 637 and 640 of the 2018 Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislature, mandatory requirements were established state-wide to maintain safety for all students who participate in student life organizations. Effective Fall 2019, all student organization members and advisors are required to complete a one-hour Hazing Prevention Training available online. For more information, contact the Vice Chancellor for Education, Training, and Student Success at 504-278-6467.
Lost and Found
Lost and Found box is located in the Student Success Center (AST building) and the Student Affairs Office (Administration building). Items turned in to Lost and Found must be claimed within 30 days. Unclaimed items will be discarded or donated to local agencies.