Academic Catalog 2024-2025

Moving Lives Forward. Choose Nunez.

Tuition and Fees

All tuition and fees must be paid at the time of registration except when a student qualifies for the deferred-payment plan or when a financial aid award has already been approved. Payment may be made either in person with either cash, money order, or cashier's check or online by logging into your LoLA account, clicking the Student tab, Payment/Payment Plan Processing tab, and then the Payment Options tab. According to the refund policy, an obligation to pay tuition and fees in full is incurred at the time the student enrolls in a course(s). If a student decides not to attend the college, it is the student’s responsibility to drop all courses before the payment deadline or end of 100% refund period. The student will be financially responsible for any courses that remain on their schedule after the payment deadline and 100% refund period.

A small convenience fee may be assessed to students who elect to pay by credit card. A $30 deferment fee may be assessed to those students whose full payments or payment arrangements are not completed within the registration period. A $10 late registration fee may be assessed to students that register or get reinstated after the registration or purge period.

Students may be administratively dropped for nonpayment of tuition and fees. For specific tuition and fee amounts, including cost of attendance, please consult the website, call the Bursar’s Office at 504-278-6403, or email the Bursar’s Office at [email protected].

Tuition Appeal Policy

Students may appeal up to 60 days from the date of the final notice for the semester. The student must submit a Tuition Appeal Form and a typed/written letter with any supporting documentation stating why the questioned tuition amount is incorrect and should be forgiven. The letter should be addressed to the Nunez Community College Tuition Appeals Committee and forwarded to the Nunez Community College Bursar’s Office. Decisions of the Tuition Appeals Committee will stand unless the student can provide additional supporting documentation that warrants further review.

The Tuition and Fee Appeal Committee cannot approve any appeal for debt that has been placed with the State of Louisiana Attorney General’s Office.

Non-Payment Collection Clause

Any debt owed to the College as a result of the student’s failure to make required payments or failure to comply with the terms of applicable program as governed by the Nunez Community College Catalog will result in a violation of the terms and conditions of the student’s enrollment contract with the College. After several unsuccessful attempts by Nunez Community College to secure payment, any remaining debts may be transferred to the State of Louisiana Attorney General’s Office, or other outside collection agency for collection. Upon transmittal for collection, the student will be responsible for collection/attorney’s fees in the amount of twenty-five percent (25%) of the unpaid debt and all cost of collection including court cost and legal interest.

Tuition and Fees Deferment

Throughout the registration period, a deferred tuition and fee payment plan is available online by applying at and logging in to your LoLA account and clicking the payment option link on your student account summary tab. A minimum payment as defined by the college’s payment plan of tuition and fees (fees will include a $30 plan activation fee) must be paid at the time of enrollment in the deferred payment plan. Normally, the college opens the payment plan during early registration. If a student enrolls in the payment plan during early registration for the fall or spring semesters then the required minimum payment, depending on the enrollment date, will be either 1/5 or 1/4 of the total tuition and fees due (1/4 is required during summer early registration). If a student enrolls in the payment plan during regular or late registration for the fall or spring semesters, then the required minimum payment will be 1/3 of total tuition and fees due (1/2 is required during summer regular or late registration). A small convenience fee may also be assessed to students who elect to pay by credit card. Information on the deferred payment plan is available from the Bursar’s Office. Failure to comply with the deferred payment plan may result in the student being withdrawn from all courses.

Audited Course Fees and Tuition

Students auditing courses are assessed the regular tuition and fees for the courses enrolled.

Laboratory and Other Course Fees

Some areas of instruction, such as laboratory courses and courses that include competency testing, require extra fees. These fees are listed in this Catalog under the course descriptions.


A student who registers after the close of the regular registration period is charged a $10 late-registration fee.

Library Fines and Replacement

Fines will be assessed for overdue books and other materials borrowed from the Library. Unpaid fines will be added to a student’s bill and will result in a hold being placed on the student’s record. For non-returned items, the cost of replacement will be charged to the student.

Parking, Safety, and Security Fee

The Parking, Safety and Security fee is assessed to all Nunez Community College credit students at $40 each fall and spring semester, and at $20 each summer session.  There is not a requirement for a student decal. The fee includes the administration, operation, construction, repair, maintenance, security, and operation of traffic, parking and parking facilities, and other operational expenses.

Students parking vehicles in areas designated as handicapped, or fire zones will be ticketed accordingly. For safety reasons, vehicles illegally parked in fire or handicapped zones may be towed at the student’s expense.


A resident student is defined for tuition purposes as one who has abandoned all prior domiciles and has been domiciled in Louisiana continuously for at least one year (365 days) immediately preceding the first day of classes of the term of enrollment for which resident classification is sought. A non-resident for tuition purposes is a student not eligible for classification as a resident under the following regulations:

An individual’s physical presence in Louisiana for one year must be associated with substantial evidence that such presence was with the intent to establish and maintain a Louisiana domicile. Presence within the state solely for educational purposes will not be sufficient for residence classification regardless of the length of time in the state. Simply owning property, paying taxes, or having voting privileges in Louisiana does not by itself qualify a student for Louisiana residency.

Non-resident students may be charged an additional fee. Also, students enrolled only in web-based, electronically-delivered courses are not assessed a non-residence fee.

Once a student has earned an associate degree at Nunez, the student may be classified as a resident for tuition purposes to pursue subsequent degrees. Also, dependents of Nunez graduates may enroll as residents even if the parent is no longer a resident of Louisiana.

Military personnel on active duty and their dependents will be classified as residents during the time the active duty member is stationed in Louisiana.

Eligibility for classification as a Louisiana resident is determined by the Director of Admissions after the completed online application for admission and other related documents have been submitted. At least three (3) items of documentary evidence shall be required and all relevant documentation will be considered in the residency classification, including but not limited to vehicle registration, voter registration, Louisiana-issued professional license, marriage to a resident, full-time employment for one year, designation of Louisiana as one’s permanent address on school and employment records, current mortgage or rent receipts, most recent state and/or federal tax returns, or other documents that indicate the location of a student’s official domicile.

Once classified as a non-resident, a student may request a change in residency status with the Director of Admissions no later than ten (10) working days following the first day of class. If the reclassification is denied, the student may appeal in writing no later than ten (10) working days after the notice of such decision. The appeal will be forwarded to the Student Financial Assistance Committee, which will examine all documentation. If the Committee finds that the student is entitled to reclassification as a resident, such a recommendation will be made to the Chancellor and written notice of the decision will be sent to the student, the Admissions Office, and the Bursar. Failure of a student to comply with the stated deadlines shall constitute a waiver of all claims for reclassification for the applicable semester.

The complete Louisiana Community and Technical College System (LCTCS) Policy (#2.008) on residency for tuition purposes can be found in the Policies: Student Services section of the LCTCS website at

Student Self-Assessed Fee

The proceeds from the $12 self-assessed student SGA fee go directly to the Student Government Association (SGA), which oversees disbursement of the funds for various student events. The SGA sponsors annual activities such as festivals, films, and speakers. In addition, funds are provided to various academic departments and clubs/organizations for cultural and social enrichment.

Student Activity Fee

Effective Summer 2017, all students will be assessed a $3.00 per credit hour fee (capped at 12 hours) each Fall, Spring and Summer term. The proceeds from this assessment will be used to offer student activities throughout the year. A student activity calendar will be published and managed by the Student Affairs Office. Students are encouraged to meet with the Dean of Strategic Enrollment and Student Success if they desire to share ideas and/or participate in the planning of events.


As per House Bill No. 2339 (Regular Session 1997) and with the approval of the SGA Governing Board, the College will assess each student a $5-per-credit-hour technology fee to be used for the purpose of improving the technologies available to students. The fee will be assessed each term of enrollment on all hours for which a student enrolls, up to a maximum of $60 per term.

Transcript Policy and Fees

All admission requirements and financial obligations to the College must be met in full before transcripts are issued. Students who have defaulted on student loans or who owe repayment of grant funds may not receive a copy of their transcript until the debt is cleared. 

An Official Transcript may be obtained by completing an electronic transcript request form via our website under “Quick Links” at The fee for an Official transcript is $7.25.

Transcripts from the St. Bernard Parish Community College and Elaine P. Nunez Technical Institute were in paper format and were destroyed in the flooding from Hurricane Katrina. The College may not be able to verify attendance or graduation for alumni from these two former institutions. Affected students should contact the Registrar at 504-278-6424.

Returned Checks

The Nunez Community College Bursar’s Office will levy a $25.00 NSF/banking fee for student returned checks from banking institutions due to non-sufficient funds (NFS), closed account, or stop payments.

Louisiana National Guard Waiver

Under the Louisiana R.S. 29:36.1, certain members of the Louisiana National Guard may be exempt from paying full tuition. Even with this exemption, a student must pay fees and purchase all required books and supplies. In addition, the student must be in good academic standing to receive the waiver.

The National Guard tuition exemption may be requested by contacting the Bursar during each registration period to verify the student’s eligibility according to the LA National Guard State Tuition Exemption Program List. Repayment of amounts waived may be required upon withdrawal from College.

Guard members who are eligible for TOPS (Tuition Opportunity Program for Students) must also notify the Registrar and will be eligible for the TOPS National Guard Award in lieu of a regular TOPS payment.

Senior Citizens

Senior citizens are encouraged to contact the Financial Aid Office to apply for a Pell Grant, which is financial aid awarded by the Federal Government based on a student’s income. A limited number of tuition waivers may be available to senior citizens aged 55 and above who do not qualify for other financial assistance. To apply for a senior citizen tuition waiver, see the Bursar’s Office.

Refund Policy

Refund or adjustments of tuition and fees for the fall and spring semesters upon reductions in credit hours or official withdrawal from the College is made according to the schedule listed in the Academic Calendar. Unless communicated otherwise, alternative sessions shall follow the posted refund or adjustment period posted in the Academic Calendar. Board approved mandatory fees, exclusive of the Excess Credit Hour Fee, are nonrefundable after the college’s 100% period. However, the amount refunded shall not exceed the amount paid by the student. The college reserves the right to deduct all monies owed by the student before refunding. Unless otherwise provided by federal guidelines regarding federal financial aid, the tuition refund schedule shall provide for no refund after the official 14th class day for the fall/spring semester or equivalent for the summer semester, alternative sessions, or for open enrollment purposes.

Refunds resulting from the reduction in credit hours during the published refund period will be processed, provided the student completes the drop/withdrawal process prior to the posted deadline. Non-attendance does not constitute withdrawal.

Students must request their refunds in the Bursar’s office.  Students who wish to appeal the refund they receive (or lack thereof) must complete a Tuition Appeal Form in the Bursar’s Office. A letter stating the reasons the student feels he or she is entitled to a refund should be attached to the Tuition Appeal Form. Supporting documentation may also be attached. These appeals are submitted to the Tuition Appeals Committee. The student will be notified in writing of the decision of the Committee. Decisions of the Tuition Appeals Committee will stand unless the student can provide additional supporting documentation that warrants further review.

No refunds are made when a student is administratively dropped.

The official Return of Title IV Funds Policy can be found here.

Official and Unofficial Withdrawal

A student who wishes to resign from the College must do so online via LoLA. Withdrawal includes a step that must be completed in the Financial Aid Office. If a student has received Title IV Financial Aid from the government and withdraws or stops attending class on or before completing 60% of the semester, the Federal Return of Title IV Funds policy will be applied. The policy will apply to any student who receives the Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG), and Direct Loans who officially withdraws, stops attending and is administratively dropped, is dismissed, or never begins attendance in all classes.

Financial Aid recipients should contact the Financial Aid Office prior to completing the withdrawal process to ascertain if they will be affected by this policy.