CDYC 1015- Strengthening the Care and Development of Young Children I Lecture Hours: 3; Lab Hours: 0 This course addresses the requirements for a CDA credential for Infant-Toddler and Preschool. Students will identify typical and atypical intellectual, physical, emotional, and social development for children from birth to age five. Candidates will apply an understanding of the principles of child development and learning to identify, explain, and practice appropriate teaching strategies and resources that support typical and atypical development for children ages birth to age five.
Schedule type: Independent Study, Lecture, Web
CDYC 1025- Strengthening the Care and Development of Young Children II Lecture Hours: 3; Lab Hours: 0 Students will develop and implement lesson plans that demonstrate an understanding of strategies that will advance children’s learning and development in a holistic manner (physical, intellectual, social and emotional) and are aligned with the Louisiana Birth to Five Early Learning and Development Standards. Students will observe, record, and assess children’s behavior and development, and when necessary use child observation to monitor and address atypical child development and practice the recommended intervention strategies.
Schedule type: Independent Study, Lecture, Web
CDYC 1035- Strengthening the Care and Development of Young Children III Lecture Hours: 3; Lab Hours: 0 Students will study the design and implementation of safe and healthy learning environments that meet the needs of all children in the early learning setting. Students will identify and practice strategies for managing an effective program operation that supports children’s development as guided by the Louisiana Birth to Five Standards. Students will synthesize and apply key concepts from all three Strengthening the Care and Development of Young Children courses in practice, including participation in a formal observation and feedback process.
Schedule type: Independent Study, Lecture, Web
Lecture Hours:3; Lab Hours:0 This course provides an overview of early childhood education, from birth to age eight. Students explore philosophies, methods, materials, and activities appropriate to support the development of children in child-care centers and preschools.
Schedule type: Independent Study, Lecture, Web
Lecture Hours:3; Lab Hours:0 This course provides laboratory experiences for systematic, objective observation and assessment of children’s development in a school or childcare setting and use of assessment information in planning appropriate learning activities.
Pre-requisite(s): CDYC 1050
Co-requisite(s): PSYC 2100, PSYC 2200
Schedule type: Externship, Independent Study, Web
Lecture Hours:3; Lab Hours:0 This course focuses on issues of health, safety, and nutrition facing children ages 0-8, especially in a group care setting. It emphasizes practical information and techniques. It also reviews current child-care licensing regulations and school health and safety standards.
Flat Fee: 35
Schedule type: Independent Study, Lecture, Web
Lecture Hours:3; Lab Hours:0 This course provides students with a thorough introduction to the field of special education and focuses on infants, toddlers, and preschoolers with known and suspected developmental disabilities.
Schedule type: Independent Study, Lecture, Web
Including Children with Autism is a course for educators and parents of today to discuss and learn about children on the Autism Spectrum who are now included in most classrooms. In this course, students synthesize knowledge of characteristics and causes of Autism, learning strategies and behavior management. Students create materials for children's hands -on learning.
Lecture Hours: 3; Lab Hours:0 This course explores the creative development of young children, focusing on general principles, teaching materials, and experiences for supporting children’s creative development through the arts. It includes discussion of visual arts, music, dance, and dramatic expression.
Schedule type: Independent Study, Lecture, Web
Lecture Hours: 3; Lab Hours:0 This course explores the stages of children’s math and science concept development. Students explore developmentally appropriate methods and materials for math and science teaching.
Schedule type: Independent Study, Lecture, Web
Lecture Hours: 3; Lab Hours:0 This course focuses on planning appropriate environments, activities, materials, and interactions for children from birth to three years.
Schedule type: Independent Study, Lecture, Web
Lecture Hours: 3; Lab Hours:0 This course explores the stages of children’s language and cognitive development and discusses the selection, evaluation, and use of books and materials to support this development.
Schedule type: Independent Study, Lecture, Web
Lecture Hours:3; Lab Hours0 This course explores how involving families in children’s learning can support positive outcomes. It employs case studies and field experiences. It addresses methods of family/teacher communication and school/family partnerships. Students research and compile community referrals and resources.
Schedule type: Independent Study, Lecture, Web
Lecture Hours:3; Lab Hours:0 In this course, students synthesize knowledge of how young children learn and grow into an understanding of age-appropriate curricula covering all areas of development. Students create materials and units for children’s hands-on learning.
Schedule type: Independent Study, Lecture, Web
Lecture hours:3; Lab Hours:0 This course provides an overview of the responsibilities of administration in an early childhood program. It examines professionalism, budget, personnel decisions, development of staff and parent handbooks, and state and local regulations.
Schedule type: Independent Study, Lecture, Web
Lecture Hours:3; Lab Hours:0 This course introduces students to typical age-related behavior patterns, child guidance practices and their consequences, and techniques and procedures for successful classroom management.
Schedule type: Independent Study, Lecture, Web