Academic Catalog 2024-2025

Moving Lives Forward. Choose Nunez.

Allied Health (HASC)

HASC 1010 — Phlebotomy   3 credit hours

This course discusses introductory information relative to phlebotomy theory and fundamental phlebotomy skills, including relevant anatomy and physiology as it relates to phlebotomy, venipuncture, capillary sticks, infection control procedures and lab tests that the Phlebotomist may perform.

Flat Fee: 74

Schedule type: Lecture, Web

HASC 1011 — Phlebotomy Lab   1 credit hour

The study of advanced phlebotomy skills and procedures that include laboratory administrative procedures, tube identification, and laboratory equipment usage is also included. Students perform introductory, fundamental, and advanced phlebotomy skills in the lab for instructor evaluation in preparation for a clinical externship of 40 hours.

Flat Fee: 84

Co-requisite(s): HASC 1010

Schedule type: Laboratory

HASC 1012 — Phlebotomy Clin Externship   3 credit hours

The student attends Phlebotomy clinical externship. During the clinical externship, students are expected to work 8 hours a day. There is no weekend or holiday rotation. Rotations are held at the program's clinical affiliate hospitals. Coursework includes preparation certification testing and job readiness skills.

Flat Fee: 129

Pre-requisite(s): HASC 1010, HASC 1011

Schedule type: Externship, Independent Study

HASC 1020 — Intro to EKG   3 credit hours

This course introduces the student to the electrocardiogram (EKG) purposes and procedures. Students will gain knowledge regarding the normal structure, function, and electrophysiology of the heart, and basic 3 lead EKG interpretation.

Flat Fee: 84

Schedule type: Web

HASC 1030 — EKG II   4 credit hours

This course teaches the advanced aspects of electrocardiography including 12 lead acquisition and interpretation, arrhythmias, pacemakers, and cardiac medications. Emphasis will be placed on identifying arrhythmia, axism deviation, heart blocks, and acute coronary syndrome. A supervised lab portion (30 hrs.) is an integral portion of this course and will allow student performance of EKG procedures. This course includes a minimum of 30 hours of clinical externship to be performed by the student under the supervision of a preceptor or course instructor in a variety of healthcare settings.

Flat Fee: 129

Pre-requisite(s): HASC 1020