Academic Catalog 2024-2025

Moving Lives Forward. Choose Nunez.

Health Service Office Mgt (HSOM)

HSOM 1020 — Medical Terminology I   3 credit hours

Lecture Hours: 3; Lab Hours: 0 This course covers basic medical terminology and focuses on work analysis, spelling, and pronunciation, as well as an explanation of medical terms used to describe health and disease. The body systems covered include the digestive, urinary, reproductive, nervous, and cardiovascular systems.

Schedule type: Independent Study, Lecture, Web

HSOM 1030 — Medical Terminology II   3 credit hours

Lecture Hours: 3; Lab Hours: 0 HSOM 1030 is a continuation of HSOM 1020. It covers the respiratory system, blood system, lymphatic and immune systems, musculoskeletal system, oncology, radiology, nuclear medicine and radiation therapy, pharmacology, and psychiatry.

Schedule type: Independent Study, Lecture, Web

HSOM 1110 — Basic CPT Coding   3 credit hours

Lecture Hours: 3; Lab Hours: 0 This course covers basic procedural coding guidelines and techniques for physician services and procedures. It provides an explanation of the HCPCS coding system for durable medical equipment, drugs, and select procedures.

Schedule type: Independent Study, Lecture, Web

HSOM 2010 — Legal Aspects of Medical Ofc   3 credit hours

Lecture Hours: 3; Lab Hours: 0 This course discusses legal issues that may arise in the medical office, including responding to subpoenas, patients’ rights, required record keeping, confidentiality, risk management, and collection of debts.

Schedule type: Independent Study, Lecture, Web

HSOM 2040 — Computerized Patient Billing   3 credit hours

Lecture Hours: 3; Lab Hours: 0 This course teaches general concepts to cover most patient accounting software intended for health care providers. Students learn how to input and manage data, file claims, and generate reports.

Schedule type: Independent Study, Lecture, Web

HSOM 2050 — Medical Office Management   3 credit hours

Lecture Hours: 3; Lab Hours: 0 This course teaches the efficient and successful operation of a medical practice through basic management principles. It focuses on the business aspects of a medical practice, including such topics as staff recruiting, development and management, office systems, revenue enhancement, regulatory compliance, quality and risk management, and cost containment.

Schedule type: Independent Study, Lecture, Web

HSOM 2090 — Advanced Medical Coding   3 credit hours

Lecture Hours: 3; Lab Hours: 0 This course addresses comprehensive coding scenarios, coding problems, primary and secondary procedures and services, over and under coding, claim denials, audits, and revenue loss. It also enhances technical skills and improves efficiency and accuracy by reinforcing coding guidelines.

Flat Fee: 213

Pre-requisite(s): HSOM 1110, HSOM 2700

Schedule type: Independent Study, Lecture, Web

HSOM 2100 — Reimbursement Strategies   3 credit hours

Lecture Hours: 3; Lab Hours: 0 This course explores the important aspects of the reimbursement process of third-party payers, Medicare, and Medicaid, from creating efficient patient information forms to claims monitoring and appeals. It emphasizes compliance techniques, managed care competition, precertification, prior authorization, and utilization review. In this course, students learn to increase billing efficiency through appropriate documentation and effective accounts-receivable management operations.

Schedule type: Independent Study, Lecture, Web

HSOM 2150 — Reimbursement/Patient Billing   3 credit hours

Lecture Hours: 3; Lab Hours: 0 This course teaches general concepts in reimbursement and patient billing. It covers most patient accounting software intended for healthcare providers, and it explores the important aspects of the reimbursement process of third-party payer, Medicare, and Medicaid, from creating efficient patient information forms to claims monitoring and appeals. It emphasizes compliance techniques, managed care competition, precertification, prior authorization, and utilization review. Students learn to increase billing efficiency through appropriate documentation and effective accounts-receivable management operations.

Schedule type: Independent Study, Lecture, Web

HSOM 2600 — Human Disease for Allied Hlth   3 credit hours

Lecture Hours: 3; Lab Hours: 0 This course prepares students for the changing healthcare field. It covers current disease pathology information and ICD-9 CM and ICD-10 CM codes for more than 500 commonly encountered conditions with essential of human disease and conditions.

Pre-requisite(s): HSOM 1110

Schedule type: Independent Study, Lecture, Web

HSOM 2700 — Basic ICD-10CM Coding   3 credit hours

Lecture Hours: 3; Lab Hours: 0 This course is an introduction to the International Classification 10-CM and PCS of disease diagnostic and procedural coding guidelines and techniques. Students learn to translate written medical terminology into numeric and alphanumeric codes, as well as compilation of data and reimbursement.

Schedule type: Independent Study, Lecture, Web