Lecture Hours: 4; Lab Hours: 6 Key content includes hand tools for instrumentation, electrical safety, power tools for instrumentation, electrical systems for instrumentation, metallurgy for instrumentation, fasteners, instrumentation drawings and documents, part one, gaskets and packing, lubricants, sealants, and cleaners, flow, pressure, level, and temperature, tubing, piping — 2" and under and hoses.
Flat Fee: 25
Co-requisite(s): CNST 1000
Schedule type: Web
Lecture Hours: 4; Lab Hours: 7 Key content includes Craft-Related Mathematics, Instrumentation Drawings and Documents, Part Two, Principles of Welding for Instrumentation, Process Control Theory, Detectors, Secondary Elements, Transducers, and Transmitters, Controllers, Recorders, and Indicators, Control Valves, Actuators, and Positioners, Relays and Timers, Switches and Photoelectric Devices, Filters, Regulators, and Dryers, Analyzers and Monitors, Panel-Mounted Instruments, Installing Field-Mounted Instruments and Raceways for Instrumentation.
Flat Fee: 25
Pre-requisite(s): INST 1010
Lecture Hours: 4; Lab Hours: 7 Key content includes Instrument Fitter’s Math, Layout and Installation of Tubing and Piping Systems, Clean, Purge, and Test Tubing and Piping Systems, Receive, Inspect, Handle, and Store Instrumentation, Instrumentation Electrical Circuitry, Grounding and Shielding of Instrumentation Wiring, Terminating Conductors and Protective Measures for Instrumentation.
Flat Fee: 25
Pre-requisite(s): INST 1020
Schedule type: Web
Lecture Hours: 4; Lab Hours: 7 Key content includes Digital Logic Circuits, Instrument Calibration and Configuration, Performing Loop Checks, Troubleshooting and Commissioning a Loop, Tuning Loops, Programmable Logic Controllers, Disturbed Control Systems and Analyzers.
Flat Fee: 25
Pre-requisite(s): INST 1030
Schedule type: Web