Academic Catalog 2024-2025

Moving Lives Forward. Choose Nunez.

Nursing (NURS)

NURS 1000 — Nursing Assistant   4 credit hours

The Nursing Assistant Course prepares students for employment in long-term care facilities and hospitals where basic bedside nursing care is needed. Classroom instruction includes an introduction to health care, basic nursing skills, body structure and functions, infection control, and the job-seeking process. Students participate in clinical activities and lab skills under the supervision of the instructor.

Flat Fee: 137

Schedule type: Lecture

NURS 1011 — Fundamentals of Nursing   7 credit hours

Classroom instruction in this course includes an introduction to professional nursing, health care, basic nursing skills, body structure and functions, infection control, nursing theories, nursing process, concepts related to health, behavior and cultural diversity, nursing theory, and higher levels of skills required of the licensed professional nurse. This course also provides a basic knowledge of microbes including their role in health and illness, modes of transmission, methods of control or destruction, with an instructional focus on concepts essential for the safe performance of nursing procedures and for the prevention of illness and/or the transfer of disease to others. The course includes concepts related to health and adaptations. It develops basic level skills through the application of the nursing process to assist and manage clients of all ages in long-term health-care settings. The course includes a review of the Louisiana Revised Statutes, Title 37, Chapter 11, Subpart II - Practical Nurses and LAC 46:XLVII.Nursing, Subpart I - Practical Nurses, vocational adjustment. It presents and discusses concepts related to health, behavioral psychology, adjustment, preventative measures, client-nurse communication, and the application of the nursing process. It also develops advanced skills through the application of the nursing process to assist and manage clients of all ages in a variety of healthcare settings. Supervised clinical lab performance (80 hrs) is an integral part of this course. Concurrent enrollment in NURS 1020 is required. These are linked courses requiring passing grades in both to receive credit for either.

Flat Fee: 214

Pre-requisite(s): BIOL 1010, BIOL 1500

Co-requisite(s): NURS 1020

NURS 1020 — Fund of Nursing I Clinical   2 credit hours

This course provides clinical experience to enhance the understanding of and adeptness in basic nursing-assistant-level skills. It emphasizes hygiene, comfort measures, infection control, body mechanics, and medical asepsis. Students in this course are required to perform forty (40) hours of nursing home clinical. Concurrent enrollment in NURS 1011 is required. These are linked courses requiring passing grades in both to receive credit for either.

Pre-requisite(s): BIOL 1010, BIOL 1500

Co-requisite(s): NURS 1011

Schedule type: Clinical

NURS 1030 — Med-Surg Nursing I Theory   4 credit hours

This course offers concurrent nursing theory and clinical experience, emphasizing the study and application of management principles, identification of the LPN's role as a member of the health care team, and effective communication and collaborative techniques. It provides opportunities for the student to develop nursing judgement and critical-thinking skills in the care of adult patients who are adapting to acute and chronic health problems. This course concentrates on the health care needs and nursing care of hospitalized adult and geriatric patients. Focus areas include first-aid, fluid and electrolyte imbalances, Cardiac Part I (hypertension, congestive heart failure, and occlusive disorders), respiratory, endocrine, integument, gastrointestinal, stoma care, reproduction, and the care of the surgical patient. This course introduces and implements medical terminology. It emphasizes concepts of gerontological nursing. Concurrent enrollment in NURS 1040 is required. These are linked courses requiring passing grades in both to receive credit for either.

Pre-requisite(s): NURS 1500, NURS 1011, NURS 1020

Co-requisite(s): NURS 1040

Schedule type: Lecture

NURS 1040 — Med-Surg Nursing I Clinical   9 credit hours

This course provides clinical experience in general medical-surgical, telemetry, oncology, neurological, ventilator, and orthopedic units emphasizing the care of the hospitalized adult and geriatric patient. The focus of the course is on the application of the nursing process in the care of patients with chronic and acute illnesses primarily affecting the cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, integumentary, and endocrine systems, as well as patients with fluid and electrolyte imbalances. Concurrent enrollment in NURS 1030 is required. These are linked courses requiring passing grades in both to receive credit for either.

Flat Fee: 249

Pre-requisite(s): NURS 1500, NURS 1011, NURS 1020

Co-requisite(s): NURS 1030

Schedule type: Clinical

NURS 1051 — Med-Surg Nursing II Theory   4 credit hours

This course offers concurrent nursing theory and clinical experience emphasizing the study and application of management principles, identification of the LPN's role as a member of the health care team, and effective communication and collaborative techniques. It provides opportunities for the student to develop nursing judgement and critical-thinking skills in the care of adult patients adapting to acute and chronic health problems. This course concentrates on the health care needs and nursing care of the adult and geriatric patients in multiple health care settings. Focus areas include Cardiac Part II (cardiac dysrhythmias, surgical interventions, valve disorders, inflammatory and infectious cardiac vascular disorders), genitourinary, pain, shock syndromes, hematology, immunotherapy, neurology, muscular skeletal, care of the dying patient, complementary alternative medicine, oncology, and community nursing. Concurrent enrollment in NURS 1060 is required. These are linked courses requiring passing grades in both to receive credit for either.

Pre-requisite(s): NURS 1030, NURS 1040, NURS 1210

Co-requisite(s): NURS 1060

Schedule type: Lecture

NURS 1060 — Med-Surg Nursing II Clinical   9 credit hours

This course offers concurrent nursing theory and clinical experience, emphasizing the study and application of management principles, identification of the LPN’S role as a member of the health care team and effective communication and collaborative techniques. It provides opportunities for the student to develop nursing judgment and critical-thinking skills in the care of adult patients adapting to acute and chronic health problems. Clinical experience provides students with training in the hospital, home health, hospice, clinic, ambulatory surgery, health department, and school-based health centers. Students also participate in community events such as health fairs, health screening, immunizations, and other community education-based services. Concurrent enrollment in NURS 1051 is required. These are linked courses requiring passing grades in both to receive credit for either.

Flat Fee: 249

Pre-requisite(s): NURS 1030, NURS 1040, NURS 1210

Co-requisite(s): NURS 1051

Schedule type: Clinical

NURS 1090 — Mental Health Nursing Theory   1 credit hour

This course emphasizes common psychiatric problems, therapies, nursing approaches and management, methods of treatment, and community resources. The clinical experience associated with this course enhances the student’s conceptual knowledge and use of psychiatric theories. Concurrent enrollment in NURS 1150 is required. These are linked courses requiring passing grades in both to receive credit for either.

Pre-requisite(s): NURS 1011, NURS 1020, NURS 1500

Co-requisite(s): NURS 1150

Schedule type: Lecture

NURS 1100 — Maternal/Newborn NursingTheory   2 credit hours

This course concentrates on the health-care needs and nursing care of families during the child-bearing experience and on the hospitalized newborn, infant, child, and adolescent. Pharmacology topics related to maternal-child care are included throughout the course. Concurrent enrollment in NURS 1110 is required. These are linked courses requiring passing grades in both to receive credit for either.

Pre-requisite(s): NURS 1011, NURS 1020, NURS 1500

Co-requisite(s): NURS 1110

Schedule type: Lecture

NURS 1110 — Maternal/Newborn Nurs Clinical   1 credit hour

This accompanying clinical experience enhances the student’s understanding of the health-care needs and nursing care of families during the child-bearing experience and of the hospitalized newborn, infant, child, and adolescent. Concurrent enrollment in NURS 1100 is required. These are linked courses requiring passing grades in both to receive credit for either.

Flat Fee: 199

Pre-requisite(s): NURS 1011, NURS 1020, NURS 1500

Co-requisite(s): NURS 1100

Schedule type: Clinical

NURS 1115 — Nursing Care of Children Thry   2 credit hours

This course offers nursing theory regarding growth and development and nursing care of children. Opportunities are provided for the student to develop nursing judgment and critical thinking skills in the care of pediatric patients adapting to acute and chronic health problems. Medical terminology and pharmacology are integrated throughout the course. Concurrent enrollment in NURS 1125 is required. These are linked courses requiring passing grades in both to receive credit for either.

Pre-requisite(s): NURS 1011, NURS 1020, NURS 1500

Co-requisite(s): NURS 1125

Schedule type: Lecture

NURS 1125 — Nursing Care of Child.Clinical   1 credit hour

The clinical experience provides opportunities for the student to develop nursing judgment and critical thinking skills in the care of pediatric patients adapting to acute and chronic health problems in the clinical setting. Concurrent enrollment in NURS 1115 is required. These are linked courses requiring passing grades in both to receive credit for either.

Flat Fee: 40

Pre-requisite(s): NURS 1011, NURS 1020, NURS 1500

Co-requisite(s): NURS 1115

Schedule type: Clinical

NURS 1130 — PN Professionalism &Leadership   1 credit hour

This course is designed to prepare the future LPN for compliance with the laws, rules, and regulations that govern licensure to practice practical nursing in the state of Louisiana. It includes a review of the Louisiana Revised Statues, Title 37, Chapter 11, Subpart II-Practical Nurses and LAC 46:XLVII.Nursing, subpart 1-Practical Nurses. It also discusses the procedures that facilitate the necessary operations of the Louisiana State Board of Practical Nurse Examiners (LSBPNE) and the obligations that accompany the privilege of service in health care. The course emphasizes legal responsibilities, confidentiality, and ethical practice along with concepts of management and supervision. It introduces preparation for employment by requiring students to evaluate job opportunities, compile a résumé, and outline information essential to finding, applying for and terminating employment in the healthcare industry. This course includes a 40-hour clinical component. Concurrent enrollment in NURS 1135 is required. These are linked courses requiring passing grades in both to receive credit for either.

Pre-requisite(s): NURS 1030, NURS 1040, NURS 1210

Co-requisite(s): NURS 1135

Schedule type: Lecture

NURS 1135 — PN Prof & Leadership Clinical   1 credit hour

This clinical experience is in the leadership/management role in the nursing home setting with delegation of duties to support staff. The clinical experience will enhance the understanding of the professional practical nurse’s role in medication administration and leadership responsibilities, including supervision and delegation. Concurrent enrollment in NURS 1130 is required. These are linked courses requiring passing grades in both to receive credit for either.

Pre-requisite(s): NURS 1030, NURS 1040, NURS 1210

Co-requisite(s): NURS 1130

Schedule type: Clinical

NURS 1150 — Mental Health Nursing Clinical   1 credit hour

This clinical experience, which accompanies Mental Health Nursing Theory, enhances the student’s knowledge, understanding, and application of nursing care for the client with mental illness. Clinical experience provides the student with clinical opportunities in long-term, short-term, and/or acute treatment facilities. Concurrent enrollment in NURS 1090 is required. These are linked courses requiring passing grades in both to receive credit for either.

Pre-requisite(s): NURS 1011, NURS 1020, NURS 1500

Co-requisite(s): NURS 1090

Schedule type: Clinical

NURS 1210 — Intravenous Therapy   2 credit hours

This course discusses the role of the practical nurse, legal implications of intravenous (IV) therapy, equipment/devices used, anatomy/physiology, methods and techniques, infection control measures, complications, and other vital information related to intravenous therapy. Supervised clinical lab performance (20 hours) is an integral part of this course.

Flat Fee: 75

Pre-requisite(s): NURS 1011, NURS 1020, NURS 1500

NURS 1500 — Pharmacology and Math Nursing   3 credit hours

This course provides students with the concepts of basic pharmacology, terminology, classification of drugs, dosage calculations, math for nursing, and principles of medication administration via supervised clinical lab performance (20 hours). It reviews the Apothecary system, medical terminology, the metric system, and common measurements germane to the administration of medication. This course enhances the development of skills related to the interpretation and transcription of medication for administration, documentation of medication administration and nursing interventions, and patient outcomes related to medication administration. It includes an overview of actions, uses, side effects, and nursing implications for system-related medications.

Flat Fee: 45

Pre-requisite(s): BIOL 1010, BIOL 1500