Academic Catalog 2024-2025

Moving Lives Forward. Choose Nunez.

Psychology (PSYC)

PSYC 1100 — Introduction to Psychology   3 credit hours

This is an introductory course in the understanding, prediction, and control of human behavior, with special emphasis on personality development, motivation, and learning.

Schedule type: Lecture, Web

PSYC 1130 — Psychology of Personal Adjustm   3 credit hours

This course covers the psychology of daily living with emphasis on identifying and coping with the stressors of life. Topics include personality, stress and anxiety, interpersonal relationships, and substance abuse.

Schedule type: Independent Study, Lecture, Web

PSYC 2000 — Social Psychology   3 credit hours

This course studies social and cultural factors as they impact the thoughts, behaviors, and interpersonal relationships of individuals.

Schedule type: Independent Study, Lecture, Web

PSYC 2100 — Human Growth and Development   3 credit hours

This course explores the psychology of human development through the major phases of the lifespan. Topics include theories of development and genetic and cultural influences on behavior.

Pre-requisite(s): PSYC 1100

Schedule type: Independent Study, Lecture, Web

PSYC 2200 — Child Psychology   3 credit hours

This course studies the physical, cognitive, and social-emotional growth and development of children from conception through adolescence.

Pre-requisite(s): PSYC 1100

Schedule type: Independent Study, Lecture, Web

PSYC 2220 — Adolescent Psychology   3 credit hours

This course studies the physical, cognitive, social, and psychological development of the adolescent.

Pre-requisite(s): PSYC 1100

Schedule type: Independent Study, Lecture, Web

PSYC 2250 — Educational Psychology   3 credit hours

This course studies the psychological aspects of teaching, including learning processes and individual differences.

Schedule type: Independent Study, Lecture, Web