Academic Catalog 2024-2025

Moving Lives Forward. Choose Nunez.

Teaching & Learning (TEAC)

TEAC 2010 — Teac. & Learn. in Diver. Set.1   3 credit hours

Lecture Hours: 3; Lab Hours: 0 This course introduces the candidate to the field of teaching by focusing on the professional responsibilities of educators and the development of elementary school children. It addresses three primary topics: professional issues for education careers, child development, and technology for teaching and learning. Instruction involves a combination of lecture, group learning, reflection, and site-based experiences within schools.

Schedule type: Externship, Independent Study, Web

TEAC 2030 — Teac. & Learn. in Div. Set. 2   3 credit hours

Lecture Hours: 3; Lab Hours: 0 This course focuses on the diverse needs of students and the role of educators in recognizing and addressing learners' needs. It addresses two primary topics: diverse ways of knowing and learning and professional issues of diversity in education. Instruction involves a combination of group learning, reflection, and site-based experiences within schools.

Schedule type: Externship, Independent Study, Lecture, Web