Electricians install and maintain residential, commercial, and industrial electrical and power systems.
Depending on their level of skill and certification, some electricians perform more complex maintenance and repair tasks such as repairing factory generators, motors and transformers. Electricians also offer advice on equipment safety.
The Student Learning Outcomes for this program are:
- Students will be able to create a safe working environment by practicing safe work procedures in the electrical field.
- Students will be able to design an electrical project using the National Electric Code (NEC).
- Students will be able to collaborate with fellow electricians and other tradesmen on projects using all necessary written and verbal communication.
- Students will be able to use proper tools to install, diagnose and repair electrical circuits and equipment.
Available Programs:
- Certificate of Technical Studies, Electrical Construction
- Certificate of Technical Studies, Electrical Construction - Advanced
- Associate of Applied Sciences, Electrical Construction
Students will learn to build, install, maintain and repair electrical systems that provide heat, light, and/or power for residential, commercial and industrial structures through courses offering a combination of theory and hands-on learning.
For information on non-credit/workforce training Electrical Construction courses at Nunez Community College, visit https://www.nunez.edu/workforce/index