Academic Catalog 2024-2025

Moving Lives Forward. Choose Nunez.

Associate of General Studies

The Associate of General Studies degree program allows pre-baccalaureate studies in many areas. The degree also provides an opportunity for students with specific workforce needs to complete an associate degree not met by other degree options.  A minimum of 12 credit hours in this degree path must be taken in courses numbered 2000 or above. Additionally, a minimum of 15 hours must be taken in residence.  A student may not be awarded the Associate of General Studies more than once. To ensure the transferability of coursework, students should complete all required courses with a grade of "C" or better.

General Education Electives
ENGL 1010English Composition I3
ENGL 1020English Composition II3
MATH 1200Survey of Mathematical Concept (or higher)3
Any Speech Course3
BUSN 1150Survey of Microcomputer App3
Humanities Elective3
Fine Arts Elective3
Enrichment Courses
Social/Behavioral Sciences Electives6
Natural Sciences Electives6
Area of Concentration 1
Courses with the same prefix or prefixes in the same category 218
Elective Courses
Select 9 hours of electives9
Total Hours60

Grades of “C” or better are required for all courses in this area.


If the area of concentration is Natural Sciences or Social/Behavioral Sciences, the corresponding pair of Enrichment courses may be replaced with a pair of courses from another subject area. If the area of concentration is Humanities or Fine Arts, the corresponding General Education Requirement may be replaced with another course.