Academic Catalog 2024-2025

Moving Lives Forward. Choose Nunez.

Certificate of General Studies

The General Studies Certificate program allows students to complete the first year of study toward an associate or baccalaureate degree. Students who plan to transfer after completion of the certificate should discuss their plans with an advisor from the college they will attend to determine what courses will transfer.

General Education Requirements 1
ENGL 1010English Composition I3
ENGL 1020English Composition II3
MATH 1200Survey of Mathematical Concept3
Fine Arts Elective3
Natural Science Elective3
Social Science Elective3
Humanities Elective3
Two courses from a single category as described on the General Education Courses page of the Catalog. 26
Electives 3
Select one course from the following categories: Humanities, Mathematics, Natural Science, or Social Science3
Total Hours30

Students must earn a grade of “C” or better in each. At least nine (9) credit hours must be earned in residence. General Education courses should be carefully selected to satisfy the requirements of the degree to be pursued upon completion of the certificate.


A minimum of 3 credit hours in this degree path must be taken in courses numbered 2000 or above.


Must earn a grade of “C” or better.