Academic Catalog 2023-2024

Moving Lives Forward. Choose Nunez.

Aerospace Manufacturing Technology, Technical Diploma

This program, designed in partnership with industry, provides classroom and hands-on training that allows students to develop the knowledge and skills to successfully perform the tasks required of an entry level aerospace manufacturing technician.

Major Courses 1
INDT 1030Industrial & Plant Safety3
INDT 2070Quality Control3
INDT 2900Job Readiness Skills3
ARST 1000Introduction to Aerospace2
ARST 1040Intro to Elec.& Elec. Assembly4
ARST 1050Fluid Systems2
ARST 1210Print Reading3
ARST 1500Hoist & Crane Equipment1
ARST 1760Adv Electro & Electri Assembly4
ARST 1780Intro Mech Assembly4
ARST 2510Welding Aero Manuf4
ARST 2700Advanced Mechanical Assembly4
ARST 2770Surface Prep, Coatings & Adhes4
ARST 2780Composite Materials1
ARST 2790Fabrication Aero Manuf3
Total Hours45

Must earn a grade of “C” or better